Hair Creation Steps

  1. copy previous creation folder
  2. New blender scene
  3. Shift a create circle curve and path curve and rotate both 90 degrees and place the circle over the path
  4. Path curve object data properties geometry picker select circle
  5. Improvise select point on path move and uses s to scale
  6. Object mode select the hair piece itself edit mode alt s scale down improvise
  7. Export blender piece as obj
  8. Import to zbrush dynamesh
  9. 1. Hair always from scratch. 2. Use extract
  10. Following extract a step to shape it
  11. Following shaping of extract use from index and create hair parts each zremshsed and having its own individual polygroup and unwrapped. Minimum 30 subtools
  12. Open zbrush file import brush curve modifier curve mode size top to bottom right and weld points
  13. Make brush stroke inflat dynamesh smooth
  14. Position new brush make duplicate stacking attempting for an even better addition keeping all parts to later be saved
  15. 1. Dynamesh smooth adjust polygroups zrmehsher uv unwrap. 2. If too complex to unwrap do not simplify but rather use polygroups. Unwrap using protect coloring and check seams 3. Use move to position and hide seams
  16. Hair must be painted in zbrush using spotlight using texture for each piece before merging all the sub tools as otherwise I am limited in hair shape complexity.
  17. Open 3ds max file go z scale match import hair slide that has super method of after effects hair simulation with blending mode of textures over that and apply
  18. 1. Duplicate model goes before key tiling. 2. Each time keep the top on the left and apply the new attempt on the right and render both to easily see which is better. 3. Do this just with the heads. Using polygon selection to delete the bodies 4. Allowing for 4 renders each time
  19. Open hair texture as Photoshop save in hair texture Photoshop and apply in 3ds max
  20. Hue saturation and color balance are in the same step. First hue then color then hue again then color again till stagnating
  21. Using the 4 heads: Hair attempt even better by curves, hair attempt even better by levels, hair attempt even better by duplicate scale blending modes
  22. Using the 4 heads: Hair attempt even better by duplicate rotate blending modes, hair attempt even better by blending modes over previous is one in after effects by sequenced textures of top list sliding though them. Hair attempt even better by duplicate merge all make black and white. Contrast to max Color dodge or another blending mode Play with opacity
  23. Hair vector blur is done in the same step as hair simulation. Hair simulation is done form solid not from duplicate of texture. Attempt duplicating of hair simulation layer several times for more detail
  24. Hair attempt even better by improvised adjustment till even better stagnation. Save as hair texture png and apply in 3ds max
  25. Save and import to top list
  26. 1. Render best output and place side by with top hair. 2. If lesser you have to use top hair shape and make variation of texture. 3. You do so in a new hair folder not discarding the failed. 4. If better replace as top hair. 5. Upload to deviant art as viral attempt. 6. If enough likes add step for the uploading of daily to deviant art.
  27. Final step on selection of final texture is going back to zbrush you do another 4 shape variation render them all in a row and choose the best
  28. Save parts in index with a merged subtool